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[Written for the Journal]


From the October 1912 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A woman was given a candle,
And she hid it away on the shelf.
It is all I have, she murmured,
And hardly enough for myself,
So I must not let any one see it,
But all through the coming night
I'll know it is ready and waiting,
In case I should need the light.

She stole through the empty chambers
To her own little cheerless room.
How dark it has grown! she shivered,
As she groped her way through the gloom.
I wish I could light my candle!
But she tried to be only glad
She had put it away so safely
Because it was all she had.

Another was given a candle,
And she stepped out into the night.
It is all I have, she murmured,
I must make the most of its light.

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