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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science has delivered...

From the October 1912 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science has delivered me from the fear expressed in constant expectation of insanity and death. I was a drunkard and a confirmed smoker. There was no hope; that had fled years before. All faith was gone, and it was only the uncertainty of the hereafter that kept me from suicide.

One of my few friends had become interested in Christian Science and commenced to take treatment. He had a copy of Science and Health, and chiefly through curiosity I commenced to read it, with the result that before I had read it through the first time I was cured of the liquor habit. The healing was complete. There was no struggle to overcome a craving for liquor. I, however, still used tobacco, and my perfect healing of what seemed a great error, made me anxious to be healed of what in comparison seemed a petty one. I became impatient, and tried to quit by will-power, but it is needless to say that I still smoked, until I was in a depressed condition where I found it almost impossible to do my work. This was on a Wednesday, and I decided to attend the testimony meeting. When I arrived at the hall the service had commenced, but the selections read from both the Bible and Science and Health referred to intoxicants and tobacco, and other useless and harmful things, and before the service was over I realized that I had been healed of the tobacco habit.

I have been interested in Science nearly two years, and it has been a constant blessing to me. I rejoice in the fact that it has made the Bible my daily companion, and has taught me that its words are the truth. My physical health is fine, my peace of mind such as I never hoped to enjoy, and my outlook on life is bright and clear. I cannot in words express my gratitude to God, also to Mrs. Eddy and to all the Scientists here who have done so much to help me. I shall strive to do my best, and I know, as Science and Health says onpage 201, that "the best sermon ever preached is Truth practised and demonstrated by the destruction of sin, sickness, and death."—

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