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Testimonies of Healing

The writer is so rejoiced by a...

From the October 1912 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The writer is so rejoiced by a recent proof of God's presence and loving care that he feels he must tell others, as his experience may help some brother who is struggling in the dark with a business problem. Some two years ago, when very young in Christian Science, I joined a friend (not a Scientist) in the financing of a patent not yet tried out, but which seemed to us to have merit. It is not necessary to specify the time, money, and worry spent on it during these two years, but suffice it to say that I found the whole burden placed on me, the inventor and my friend having left me with considerable debts to meet.

In my extremity I turned to God, and with the help of a Christian Science practitioner I finally got my own mentality cleared up and myself ready and willing to rely wholly on divine Principle for a solution. The result was that a very competent gentleman, whom I did not know but who answered a frank advertisement which I placed in a daily paper, looked into the merits of my device and what I had done to establish the fact of its being a supply to an existing demand. An agreement was entered into which not only paid up every dollar that was owed, but placed sufficient capital in the treasury to put the business on a good footing, with the result that a factory has been established and success demonstrated. This is all due to Christian Science, put into practise, my thought being thus prepared to receive the ever-present help of our Father, of divine Love meeting "every human need" (Science and Health, p. 494).

This demonstration has been so complete as to lift the whole responsibility from me, thus enabling me to devote my entire time and attention to my profession, and at the same time being well repaid for efforts put into the other business.— .

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