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Testimonies of Healing

Prior to four years ago I was...

From the November 1912 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Prior to four years ago I was very much opposed to Christian Science, but at one time, on becoming dissatisfied with physicians and drugs, I called upon a practitioner, stating that I had no faith in Science, but wished treatment. The practitioner asked if she might explain to me the teachings of Christian Science, and when I consented she did so, also invited me to attend the church and visit the reading-rooms. She told me I did not need treatment, and this all seemed very strange—Christian Science was not what I had supposed it to be; but when I had recovered from my surprise, I found that I had no more fever and no more headache. Instead of remaining at home for several days, or perhaps weeks, as I had expected, I went to work that very afternoon, feeling well and the world looking much brighter to me.

For several years my eyes had given me a great deal of trouble. I had worn glasses continually, had consulted two of the leading eye specialists of Minneapolis,Minn., on one occasion paying fifteen dollars for a single examination and being told that nothing could be done, but that I must continue to wear glasses and not read, write, or do anything which might tire my eyes. In less than two months after I became interested in Christian Science, through the reading of Science and Health I laid aside my glasses, and have not worn any since.

My employment during the past three years has kept me on the road continually, eight days out of every ten, and in the fall of 1907 I contracted a severe cold and had a cough, which grew worse. On my arrival in Portland, Oregon, Dec. 25, I was so weak that I could scarcely stand. I had lost considerable weight, could not eat or sleep, and coughed incessantly. I consulted one of the leading physicians of Portland, as required by the railway company with whom I was employed, and after a thorough examination this physician informed my wife that I had tubercular disease and was in a very critical condition. I started with his treatment, but continued only a short time, when it seemed as if the time had come for me to pass on. Then this thought came to me: "Why am I depending on drugs? God alone can help me!" With the realization that "divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need" (Science and Health, p. 494), I had my medicine thrown away, and in the morning sought the assistance of a Christian Science practitioner. I improved at once, and after taking six or seven treatments I went back to my work. Soon I had regained my weight, the cough ceased, and I am still on the road, and never felt better.

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