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Testimonies of Healing

In July, 1912, I was taken ill...

From the April 1914 issue of The Christian Science Journal

[Translated from the German]

In July, 1912, I was taken ill with what was pronounced a serious condition of the heart, also of the lungs' and kidneys. Then, through acquaintances, I heard of Christian Science and its wonderful results, so I applied to a practitioner for treatment, which continued for several weeks. After that I not only felt like a new man, having gotten rid of all my diseases, but I also rejoiced in a measure of understanding which was fast increasing, so that today Der Herold der Christian Science and the Christian Science text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, constitute the reading which affords me the greatest interest and makes me feel that I cannot devote too much attention to it. For these blessings, as well as for the overcoming of my erroneous beliefs, and above all for the recognition that God, good, is my "shield and buckler," as the psalmist says, also my source of supply, I am most deeply grateful.

It has also been our privilege to experience the power of divine Truth over error in the case of our two and a half year old boy. In November, 1912, we became aware of symptoms of croup and another more serious throat trouble, whereupon we immediately applied for treatment. On the following day the disease manifested itself in such a violent way that we believed it to have become aggravated, whereas we had to deal with a condition involved in the process of "chemicalization." My wife, not being aware of this fact, was seized with fear and asked me to call in a physician. The latter pronounced the case a very serious one and advised an immediate operation. Before deciding as to this step, I felt that I must turn for help to God, and so telegraphed to the practitioner for information as to what should be done under the circumstances. Straightway the answer came that we need have no fear, and that work was taken up for our child in Christian Science. The result was, that a few hours later our son was able to eat and drink as if nothing had ailed him. God, the almighty and ever-present Physician, had been our helper. It once more became clear to me that it is preposterous to hold disease to be more powerful than God.

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