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Testimonies of Healing

[Translated from the German]

It is with a grateful heart that...

From the July 1914 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with a grateful heart that I testify to the blessings received through Christian Science. For five years I suffered with stomach trouble, and the physicians whom I consulted succeeded only in relieving me temporarily. A year ago I had an operation performed, which was expected to stop the pain, but instead it grew more severe, until finally I could retain no food. Besides this I suffered from a condition of the lungs which it seemed impossible to remedy.

Upon the advice of a friend my relatives then applied to a Christian Science practitioner, and from that moment I refused to take any medicine and relied solely upon God's help. The result was that within a few days I was able to leave my bed, my appetite returned, and after three days I left the hospital and returned to my people. The ailment, however, again asserted itself after a few days, for I awoke one morning with high fever; but this seeming relapse was overcome with one treatment. I have also experienced the blessings of Christian Science in the case of my children on several occasions, and I would join the psalmist in singing, "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits . . . who healeth all thy diseases."—

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