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Testimonies of Healing

I feel it a duty to write my testimony...

From the July 1914 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I feel it a duty to write my testimony, in the hope that it may help some one. When staying in Holland in the year 1906, my cousin suddenly became very ill, and the doctor pronounced her case to be cerebral disease. After some hours he gave little hope for her life, so another doctor and a specialist were called in. These too said she could not live. Treatment in Christian Science was then asked for, and to the great astonishment of the doctors my cousin recovered completely. It was through this healing that I became interested in this, to me, quite new religion. After four months I returned to the West Indies and told about this case, but nobody would believe it, and I even experienced antagonism.

Through letters which I received from my Dutch friend I heard how the Christian Science movement grew and gained a firm foothold in her town. Then came a time when I was forced, through an illness that would not leave me, to study regularly in the Bible and Science and Health. Although I became restful, the illness proved stubborn, so I decided to write to my friend for help. From the day that she took up treatment I ceased to grow worse, and after a few days I began to gain, until I was perfectly healed. After this proof I made an earnest study of Christian Science. Having some friends who had also become interested in this teaching, we decided to meet every Sunday morning to read the Lesson-Sermon. Now the antagonistic thought is disappearing, and many are acknowledging the good that Christian Science has brought to me, and to others.

This spring I returned to Amsterdam, and when I go back to Surinam, Dutch Guiana, it will be with the earnest desire to help others with what I have learned during these months. I shall try to be a reflector of Truth and Love for all those with whom I come in contact.—

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