For several years I was a great sufferer from stomach trouble. I tried physicians of both schools, and medicines of all kinds, but to no avail. At last I turned to Christian Science. I had but little faith in the treatment at first, having been in active service as trained nurse for nearly nineteen years, and I could not understand why medicines that I had used and seen used on others should fail me; but the doctors said they could do nothing more, that it was only a question of time with me.
When I turned to Science I could not keep even a drink of water down. As soon as I swallowed it I would become very sick, and then throw it up. At the end of the first week of treatment in Christian Science, I could sit up and eat several things and relish them; at the end of the second week I walked three squares to see a friend who was ill, and did not even feel tired. Doctors and friends who were watching my case prophesied that I would soon go back to the same old state, and would try to make me go home when they met me on the street; but I did not give up. I stuck steadfastly to all my good practitioner told me to do, and I am a well woman today.
I thank God, and am grateful to our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, for the knowledge of the truth that has healed me; and I trust that my light may so shine that many others may be brought to a knowledge of the Christ, Truth, and be healed.—Lexington, Ky.