I would like to express my gratitude for what Christian Science has done for me, both physically and mentally. I came to it a few years ago for physical healing, and was cured at that time of what seemed to be a very serious lung trouble. In fact, it was pronounced tubercular disease by a specialist, who told me I was using only one lung and that the largest bronchial tube was entirely closed. He recommended that I give up work for a year, also that I take extra nourishment every day; and he gave me several kinds of medicine, of which I took only one dose.
I came back to Springfield not feeling at all discouraged, for I felt sure Christian Science would help me, although I had been interested in it but three weeks; and immediately I commenced treatment. I did not give up work, or even think of doing so. While receiving treatment for the lung trouble, I was taken very ill with peritonitis, which I had had a number of times before; and on each occasion I had been told by the physician that I would have these attacks until I consented to undergo an operation. I, however, continued to have Christian Science treatment for this disease, and although the practitioner thought my healing a little slow, it seemed remarkably quick to me compared with the times I had had the same trouble under medical treatment. I think during that winter I lost possibly six weeks' time from business, but I was indeed grateful that I was not obliged to give up work for a longer time, as at first it seemed almost necessary to do.
I can truthfully say that I have been perfectly healed of both these ills, and I am indeed grateful.—Springfield, Mass.