I wish to express my gratitude for benefits received through Christian Science. In former years I suffered greatly with anemia, and this condition resulted in a serious nerve trouble, which kept me in bed for three months at a time. I was also troubled with oppression of the heart, and at times had to apply an ice-bag every day in order to gain some relief. Sleepless nights were the usual result, followed by spells of melancholy. I was treated by many physicians and spent a long time at a sanitarium without receiving help. The physicians had told me that I must not expect to get well within a short time, for the trouble was an obstinate one; and I had yielded to this thought for four years when I heard of Christian Science.
Through application of the truth as presented by this teaching, a quick deliverance was wrought in my case; I was undeceived, and made to realize that we need not suffer unjustly and should recognize God as our only physician. Thus with the help of a practitioner I was quickly made whole, for which I am deeply thankful to God.— Breslau, Germany.