In infancy I fell from a bed and injured the spine. This accident resulted in convulsions, and a few years later in curvature of the spine. As I grew older the left hip became twice the size of the right one, and the shoulders consequently were also deformed. After being under the care of physicians for many years and resorting to braces, I grew disheartened to find my condition worse instead of better.
In February, 1909, I received my first treatment in Christian Science, and I was healed of the above mentioned conditions during that year and 1910. During the first month's treatment I was healed of a sudden illness, which was similar to an attack suffered ten years before that was diagnosed as a form of spinal meningitis. Under materia medica I had been in bed three months, and I give the cultured, conscientious physician who then attended me all due credit.
Under Christian Science treatment during this second attack, I was in bed part of one day. After sleeping through the night I awoke free from pain and distress and was able to go about my work without any more disturbance. I have not suffered from any similar attack since that time. Another experience while I was still having Christian Science treatment was the sudden adjustment of the left hip-bone (which had protruded since childhood), making it normal with the right hip. My shoulders and back are perfectly erect, and my childhood friends are amazed over the change from a lifelong sufferer to a healthy, robust woman.