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Testimonies of Healing

In August, 1910, I received a copy...

From the February 1915 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In August, 1910, I received a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." I believe I can truthfully say that I am a better, wiser, and happier woman than I ever thought it possible to be, and I write this testimony with the hope that if any who read it are in doubt as to the value of Christian Science, they will be encouraged by it.

I did not come to Christian Science to be made better spiritually,— I wanted only the healing, thinking I was good enough; but I found that I would have to get the spiritual healing first. For three years I have devoted a great deal of my time to striving for this, and can say that I have never been given a stone when I asked for bread. My healing has been slow, but I am thankful for this, as I have studied more and made better progress than I would have if the healing had been immediate.

My little girl, now four years old, had from birth a disfiguring mark on the left side of her face and a slight one on the right side. When she was exposed to cold or wind, it would become more inflamed. Those who saw it would remark about it and tell me different remedies to use, and I tremble now to think of the strong medicines we applied. Still there was no improvement; in fact, the condition grew worse. My daughter was eighteen months old when I came into Science, and as the days grew cooler and her face looked worse, I wondered if Science would not help her, so I would read and try in my feeble way to think right about her. It was some months after this that her grandfather spoke to me about her face and asked what had become of the inflamed place. Then it dawned upon me that she was healed, and I told him Christian Science had healed her. Just once after this it was slightly visible, but my continued study had helped me to know that Truth's work is perfect, and the mark has never reappeared.

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