AS far back as the records of the human race extend, there are to be found startling evidences of the misuse of a great and beautiful spiritual fact under the guise of mediatorship. This spiritual fact is that God, as Mind or intelligence, communicates Himself to men, and the spiritual perception and reception of this divine communication is the mediator between God and mankind, the truth which converts, reforms, regenerates, and redeems. This fact, materially" misconceived, begets the belief that one or a few human beings are divinely commissioned to be mediators, to stand between God and men, to interpret God to them, and to intercede with God for their forgiveness and redemption.
Certain individuals at different periods have in varying degrees perceived and received this spiritual fact, and they have sought to teach it to others. In time, however, the purity of the original perception has become clouded by a confusion of the real mediator with the human teacher, until mediatorship has come to mean personal intercession with a God in heaven for a person upon earth.
Every religious system honestly founded among men has been based upon some individual's communion with God, the infinite Truth. In all such systems there has been manifest the human mind's predisposition to corrupt spiritual purity and to misconceive, distort, and misuse the spiritual perception of Truth through which the system came into human existence. The result has been that under one name or another there has grown up a caste which has assumed the sole right to receive and interpret communications from God, the exclusive privilege of being mediators or intercessors for their fellow men.