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Testimonies of Healing

The following testimony is a grateful...

From the February 1915 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The following testimony is a grateful recognition of what Christian Science has done and is doing for me and my family. I trust it may bring encouragement to those who have given up all hope of ever being well, and who have gone the rounds of material remedies, climate included. All these things failed me, and if it were not for Christian Science I could not have been here on earth today. A few years ago I was healed of a very serious kidney disorder, female trouble in bad form, also a bowel difficulty from which I had suffered for years. I was a nervous wreck, so to speak, and felt as if I were only in the way of other people. I now see how I was saved to do some good, and to help others by letting my light shine and telling the glad tidings.

I rejoice that I am saved to point the way to others who are hungering and thirsting for this great truth as I once was. It is the truth that will make us all free; as Jesus said, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." It saves not only from sin, but also from sickness and death, as the gospel of Christ teaches. Furthermore, it makes us happy and shows us that we have something to live for. The spiritual uplift is greater than all else that Christian Science gives. It is the "Peace, be still," to all turbulent conditions.

My little girl has been healed of asthma, from which she had suffered since she was seven months old. It is wonderful how she has grown since the healing. My son also has been healed of several diseases. I suffered from weak eyes, but the first time I read Science and Health this trouble was overcome. Christian Science has been our only physician since I was so wonderfully healed. I can now see how we were serving the flesh (sin), or the carnal mind. Truly, "the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life." The disorders referred to have never reappeared. In December, 1913, I gave birth to a baby girl without pain, and I have had many other proofs of God's loving care, for which I am very thankful.

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