It is with a sense of deepest gratitude that my husband and I testify to the healing power of Christian Science. This healing truth came to us at a time when all seemed dark, with nothing facing us but despair. We were both great sufferers, helpless and crippled with rheumatism, and unable to get about without a material support. We had stock and a little land, but it seemed as if nothing but ruin could be ahead, as we were unable to do the work, and were totally dependent on the kindness of neighbors.
It was indeed the darkest hour of our lives, and yet it was at this time that the day began to dawn, for Christian Science was brought to us by an old friend. She showed us most lovingly that our sickness was not sent from God, as we had both been taught to believe. This so lifted the burden from us that my husband was healed instantaneously. He threw away the crutches he was using and returned to work almost immediately. I cannot describe the joy and freedom that this statement brought to me, for I had been seeking for a long time to know God better, and when my friend told me the good news of Christian Science, I knew at once that I had found the God I had been seeking.
My physical healing was slower than my husband's, but I had no cause to be discouraged, as I was happy in gaining from the Christian Science text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," more knowledge of what my friend had told me. My husband and I eagerly studied it together. We are most grateful for the Lesson-Sermon so lovingly provided for us, and our one desire is to know more of this truth. Now, our daily tasks are lighter and brighter, and the outlook on life is altogether different. We are always looking forward to still brighter hopes and realizations, and we do not forget the many proofs of the power of Truth to meet and overcome all kinds of difficulties and besetments which used at one time to make life almost unbearable. My husband and I have enjoyed perfect health ever since we were healed.