CHRISTIAN SCIENCE reveals God as divine Mind, maintaining the existence of all created things. Accepting John's statement that "God is love," Christian Science logically reasons that divine Love is the basis and source of sustenance for all existence. This being true,the more an individual understands and manifests divine Love, the more he apprehends true existence, the more he really lives.
We make no mistake in applying this literally. God is Life; God is Love. Life and Love, as God, divine Mind, being one, even the expression of Life and Love, living and loving, must be eternally linked. Living is contingent upon loving. To love divinely is really to live, and nothing short of this is living. Naturally, then, to express God-bestowed compassion and tenderness toward all created things is to preserve and conserve life;it is to provide genuinely and lawfully for health and strength as well as for happiness. This kind of love is far different from the weakness and selfishness often calling itself personal attachment; for it embodies the divine quality, and sheds itself abroad in impartial kindliness, not only quickening the personal affections with unselfishness and rarer purity, but bringing sweetness and light into those relationships and transactions where, humanly, little interest or affection would be likely to appear.
Divine Love comes with impartial release to the places where selfish affections burden and restrain and tire,as well as to those where there is no affection, but instead greed and fear, pain and sorrow. Where divine Love enters, trouble cannot stay; for this Love is by its own nature a compassionate deliverer, a builder of righteousness and peace. And how, pray, can the Love which is God enter into human affairs, except through the thinking of human beings? How can divine Love become effective, except through spiritualized men and women? When Love comes this way, Life must come, too, by reason of divine law. Christian Science makes it plain that the reflection of divine Love in daily life really quickens and preserves health and strength as well as happiness.