Seven years ago the attending physician told me that he could do nothing more for me unless I would consent to be taken to a sanitarium for a rest-cure of several months, when I would need to undergo an operation and after that go to another climate. I had been running down in health for over a year and had been confined to my bed for over a month. I was unable to get up, except when forced by pain to walk the floor, and was also suffering from a trouble brought on by the birth of my first child. The doctor had tried in every way to relieve the pain, but had exhausted every remedy except opiates; and he advised me to bear all I could, as the pain probably would not leave me for several years on account of my general run-down condition, and there was danger of my becoming a drug fiend. Having been a trained nurse, I realized the danger, and passed many nights of torture in consequence.
When the doctor left me, after saying there was so little hope for me, I asked my husband to call a Christian Science practitioner. He did so, and after the first visit of the practitioner I slept well most of the night. In five days I went across the city to spend the day, carrying my baby when I changed cars. Since then I have gained steadily in strength, though to some my healing may not have seemed rapid. I am now enjoying better health than ever before. I did not have the operation, and a surgeon told me later that there was absolutely no need of it. Two little girls have come to me under Christian Science treatment, and both experiences have been satisfying proofs of Love's power.
Along with this healing has come a spiritual and moral help without which, it seems to me, the physical healing would have been of little value, for I have learned that God is, and that He is very near. I am indeed grateful for the patience and love of the practitioners I have met. I am thankful to God, and grateful to Mrs. Eddy for showing us how to know Him; and I am trying to express this gratitude in the way she has taught us,—by obedience.—Peoria, Ill.