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Testimonies of Healing

I feel it my duty to tell of some...

From the January 1917 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I feel it my duty to tell of some of the blessings I have received through the power of divine Love. When I turned to Christian Science, I felt there was nothing to live for, and I was not prepared to die. I went to a practitioner and told her some of the sinful things I had done, but she explained to me that in reality man is God's perfect child, and this made me see my true self in a new light. I have had many wonderful healings through the knowledge I have gained of the teachings of Science. I used to be a slave to drink, but thanks be to God that appetite left me in the first Christian Science treatment, and the tobacco habit has also been overcome. I had what doctors called blood-poison on my face, and had been operated on at different times, but continued to grow worse till I took up the study of Science. With the first treatment the fear of this trouble was overcome, and today I am healthier and happier than ever before. One day while I was cranking my automobile, it kicked, and to the old way of thinking my arm was broken; but I did not go to any physician, only to God, for I knew He could heal all our ailments. Strange as it may seem to one that is not in Science, I did not have a bandage on or lose one night's sleep. We have a dear little girl, seven months old, who has never had any medicine.

I am thankful for the Lesson-Sermons, for they help us in our daily walks, and teach us to know, as the psalmist says, that the "little that a righteous man hath is better than the riches of many wicked." I am thankful to God for sending one so pure as Mrs. Eddy to show us the way. May I live so as to be worthy of being called a Christian Scientist.—

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