My great regret, in regard to Christian Science is that I did not believe it when it was first brought to my notice, and I beg any inquirers to continue their study of the subject, as they will be a thousandfold repaid. I begin to find that heaven, harmony, appears now in proportion as I apprehend and apply through Christian Science the laws of God, good, to overcome any discordant condition. The vision may at times be dim and the waiting long till the next step be accomplished, but as Christian Scientists we have proved that we know in whom we have believed. I was brought up in the belief of predestination and eternal punishment. This theory, however,
I soon dropped, but others were so contradictory that I could not find a practical creed for every-day life. it is, like coining out of a dreary maze into a sunny garden to have learned that God did not make man capable of sin and then punish him for sinning. Mrs. Eddy's teachings have given me a logical, demonstrable religion with a God of love, and I am truly grateful.
About six years ago I was said to have an internal growth, for which I underwent two operations. I was viewing the prospect of another when I changed doctors and tried injections for over a year. These seemed at first to cure me, but at the end of that time the growth had returned and I knew that material means could do no more for me. I then asked for Christian Science treatment. At the end of a fortnight the pain bad ceased, and in three months I was healed. Previous to becoming interested in Christian Science I used to be very weary of existence, but now I am happier and stronger than ever before, and I expect the way to become brighter and brighter "unto the perfect day." —London, England.