My life was saved by Christian Science—of this I feel certain. While establishing a new business in Chicago, I was suddenly stricken with fever and lameness, so that in three days I was unable to walk or ever stand on my feet. A Christian Science practitioner was called and treatment started at once. I was then helped on a train and sent to Minnesota, where my wife was visiting, and on my arrival was put to bed. I was in bed for three weeks, during which time I had a violent fever and was partly delirious. One leg was much swollen, and very red, with huge blisters; in fact, it was the worst looking sight I have ever beheld.
We retained the Chicago practitioner and had only absent treatment, together with the constant work which we did ourselves, reading the Bible and Science and Health. Friends shook their heads, but my wife and I had no fear, knowing that God is the only healer and that Truth casts out all error. I suffered intense pain, and the leg became hard, as if it were petrified. The fourth week, however, I began to walk, and have since walked twenty miles in one day and am as well as ever. I have recently passed a medical examination for insurance, and the doctor looked upon it as a wonder that I should be alive after what I had gone through.
I am confident of God's protecting power and fear nothing. This confidence has come to me through the study of Christian Science and its healing effects. I am thankful to God for this demonstration and also for Christian Science.—