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Testimonies of Healing

After trying almost every health...

From the April 1917 issue of The Christian Science Journal

After trying almost every health resort in the United States, and being told by several eminent physicians that they could do no more for me except to give me opiates for temporary relief, I turned to Christian Science and was healed. Chronic bronchitis of seven years' standing was overcome, also tubercular trouble, an abscess of a malignant nature, asthma, and stomach disorder in its worst form. At the time I turned to Christian Science for help, my stomach was being washed out every other day; I had not retained solid food in months, and had little sleep without opiates. Some of these disease yielded quickly to Christian Science, others called for long, hard fought battles, and many were the trials, doubts, and seeming defeats. As my mother had passed on with a malignant growth, and three of the family from tubercular trouble, the belief of heredity seemed hard to overcome.

After being in Christian Science a few years I was stricken with what is called typhoid pneumonia, and then the great test came. I called to my husband not to be fearful, but to declare God's power and presence until he could get a practitioner there. One lived near, and on arriving she grasped the situation instantly. Turning to my husband she asked if he wanted a physician, and he said, "No! only God can save her now." In less than half an hour the darkness had disappeared and there was a sense of peace and harmony; two days afterward I was out of bed.

This experience did not leave me where it found me. Following it came the greatest spiritual illumination I had ever realized. Having had these proofs that the truth is demonstrable, my prayer daily is that I may live so pure in thought as to be a transparency for the healing truth to reach others. In thankfulness to God, and in gratitude to Mrs. Eddy and to Christian Science, I lovingly give this testimony.—

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