As with many others, not ill health in my own immediate family, but the raising up of a dear relative, apparently from the brink of the grave, drew me to Christian Science. We have received help in Science in so many ways that I cannot name them all. Jaundice, uterine trouble, goiter, have all been overcome, and a young grandchild was healed of rupture. An attack of lumbago which came on suddenly and seemed unbearable was cured in one treatment. Since then I have done very heavy work, but am strong and well and there has been no return of the trouble. Aside from what we could do for ourselves, nearly all the healing was done through absent treatment.
I am thankful to the dear Father for putting into Mrs. Eddy's heart a desire to do the noble work for mankind which she has done and is still doing by means of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," together with her other writings and the Christian Science periodicals. My husband and I study the Lesson-Sermons, and I always enjoy reading the Journal and Sentinel. The testimonies have given me much help and comfort.—Independence, Wis.