It is with a sense of duty and gratitude that I send my testimony, with the hope that it may benefit some one who is looking for relief from physical suffering. At the age of seventy-two I was stricken for the third time with a severe attack of gall-stones, and my suffering was indescribable. The physician said he had done all he could do for me, and advised my family to call a specialist. After a thorough examination the specialist stated that peritonitis had set in, and there was nothing to do but to leave me in the hands of a higher power, as it was believed by those about me that I would very likely pass away by midnight.
About eight o'clock that evening a friend who had just become interested in Christian Science called to see us, though she knew nothing of my illness. When my daughter-in-law told her what the doctors had said, she at once mentally denied the error and affirmed the truth. In about twenty minutes I was feeling better, and after she left my room I turned over and went to sleep. I did not wake up until six o'clock in the morning, when I arose and ate a good breakfast. I have never had any return of this trouble or any fear of it. That was over four years ago, and I now do all the housework for a family of three.
I am thankful to God, also grateful to Mrs. Eddy, and to the dear friend who so lovingly pointed the way to this beautiful truth, the truth that Jesus said makes us free.—Atlantic City, N. J.