Although I was brought up very strictly in a religious way, when Christian Science found me I was in a very unhappy state of mind, as I had begun to doubt everything,—even at times whether there was a God. When I realized the teaching of Christian Science that God is Love and All-in-all, and that I no longer had to fear a literal hell, it seemed too wonderful to be true.
My coming into Science was through a desire to understand more about God, and man made in His image, but I needed the physical healing too, having never been strong from childhood. The laws of heredity followed me as I grew older, until it seemed as though I had about all the ills that flesh is heir to. Finally, after ten years of continuous poor health I was taken to the hospital, where four operations were performed, each one of them being so serious that the doctors thought it doubtful if I would recover. When I returned home the verdict was that I would never be well again, and that I probably had but a few years to live at the most, as it was feared that the trouble was malignant and would recur. In a couple of years another abnormal growth made its appearance, and doctors said that yet another operation would be necessary if it continued to grow.
At that time I was becoming interested in Christian Science, and although I knew no practitioners and was living in a small town and much alone in the study of Science, I tried the best I knew how to help myself. One day while I was reading and trying to realize the truth, to overcome my great sense of fear, the thought came to me like a revelation that a growth is no more in God's sight than a cold would be, and I would have no doubt of my recovery from a cold. I did not know just when the healing was made manifest, but the growth entirely disappeared, and I have never had any recurrence of the trouble since. That was fourteen years ago. As I gained a spiritual understanding of the Bible as taught in Science and Health, my general health improved, until I became well and strong.