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Testimonies of Healing

Owing as I do all my happiness to...

From the January 1918 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Owing as I do all my happiness to the earnest study of Christian Science, I wonder that I have never before written to say so. Four years ago, when I first became interested in Mrs. Eddy's wonderful book "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" and began to read it in connection with the Bible, I was in ill health and deeply in debt. There were so many problems in my life which I seemed unable to solve that I had concluded most of them possessed no reasonable solution. The fact that all of them were due to my own foolishness and wrongdoing merely served to increase my sense of self-pity; and when by dint of human means some small problem would be solved, that only helped to feed self-righteousness.

I was taking medicine for "brainfag" at that time; but from the day I began to read Science and Health I have taken no medicine, and have not suffered from any sickness other than an occasional toothache that has succumbed at once to Christian Science treatment. Besides taking stimulants regularly and sometimes to excess, I was in the habit of smoking sixty or seventy cigarettes a day. I would wake up in the night to smoke them; and my greatest fear was lest I might at some time be deprived of tobacco. As a result of ray study of Christian Science neither alcohol nor tobacco has now any lure for or power over me. I have not smoked for two and a half years, and have not wanted to.

One by one my debts have been paid, except some very old ones long ago outlawed and in another quarter of the globe; but the means of paying these as soon as the parties can be traced has been given me. The will to pay and the means of paying are both entirely due to the study of Christian Science.

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