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Testimonies of Healing

I have benefited in so many ways...

From the January 1918 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have benefited in so many ways by the study and practice of Christian Science that it is difficult to say in which way the blessing has been greatest. I was first healed by this wonderful truth about eighteen years ago, but as the healing was quickly and easily brought about, I did not heed it very much. After two years of indifference toward Science I was healed in less than three weeks of a severe stomach trouble with only a few treatments from my sister, who had also treated me in the first instance. I then took up the study of Christian Science, but not with enough zeal to understand very much. After a third healing, however, several years later, I began to study earnestly and tried to put into practice each day what little I understood.

One of the most beautiful healings I have had was that of chronic colds. I usually endured weeks of suffering, but when the last cold came on I began immediately to work, as best I could, according to the teachings of our textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. I repeated thoughtfully the "scientific statement of being" (p. 468), and when I reached the statement, "All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all," it was so clear to me that a cold could not be the manifestation of God, and that therefore it could not exist, that all evidence of the trouble disappeared. That was nearly eleven years ago, and I have had no recurrence of it since.

Words can never express my gratitude to our Leader for her wonderful kindness to the whole world, and for her example of a spiritual and unselfish life. She has certainly taught us how to know God and to be able to demonstrate Jesus' teachings. He said, "If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Sometimes help has come to me slowly, and I have had to study long and earnestly before there was any gain physically, but the understanding and spiritual uplift derived from this study and the application of the truth helped me more than I can say. I am more grateful for the knowledge of God and for the happiness and joy that I have gained, than for the physical healing.—

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