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Testimonies of Healing

For the help received through...

From the January 1918 issue of The Christian Science Journal

For the help received through reading in our periodicals the testimonies of healing through Christian Science, I wish to express my gratitude. Not only for my own healing through the power of Truth am I grateful, but also for a better understanding of the truth which has enabled me to contribute in a small degree to the harmony of the world, through the more harmonious relation which is apparent between others and myself.

Eight years ago I went to a physician for a medical examination, with the intention of taking out insurance. I was asked if any of my relatives had ever been subject to anæmia, and when I told the physician that my sister had passed on with the disease a few months previous, he said I had symptoms of the trouble. This information came as a surprise, and I can see that it caused a sense of fear which grew upon me unconsciously. The doctor advised me to cease work entirely for a while, go to the seashore, and take treatment to build up the blood, saying it would take five or six months for me to be restored to a normal condition.

I did not, however, at this time do any of these things, but for the next six years I did everything I thought I could do in a material way to improve my health, such as taking cold baths, plenty of out-of-door exercise, breathing pure air, and so on. Not until the spring of 1914 did I take of the doctor the treatment which he advised and which seemed very necessary. After he had treated me a few weeks without any apparent benefit, I went from one doctor to another, and finally tried Christian Science. For a few weeks under Christian Science treatment I made some progress toward recovery, but the thought would come to me that possibly the improvement was due to the remedies which the first doctor had given me. Early in 1915 I was much worse, and by March was unable to work.

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