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From the January 1918 issue of The Christian Science Journal

As the national life of the United States is illustrating an advanced idea of democracy to all the world, it should be interesting to consider what the status of individual rights is in a land wherein the people are nominally self-governing. With all the progress in liberty of thought and action which has been realized in these states, it can hardly be said that the liberty of choice which true democracy guarantees is as yet thoroughly inviolate in matters pertaining to religion and medicine. The shackles of superstition and tradition have been fractured, but they still cling to thought, awaiting the freedom in spirit promised in the letter of the Constitution of this democracy. The world may ask: Does this democracy really guarantee mental liberty as well as the right to vote, to work, to live, and to own property? Let us see.

During recent years medical and other interests in the United States have been active in advocating and securing the passage of laws to restrict the treatment of the sick mostly to one school of medicine. Attempts are being made to influence Congress and state legislatures to enact, additional laws, many of which are unconstitutional and framed for the advantage of sectarian medical practitioners rather than at the demand of the people. These promotions are advanced not only in disregard of the fact that Christian Science is a religion based on the teachings of Christ Jesus, but in opposition to the federal and state constitutions, which guarantee religious liberty to every citizen of the United States.

Christian Science as a religion was founded by Mrs. Eddy, and she established for its expression The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, and provided for the establishment of branch churches and societies all over the world. This organization presents to mankind its institutions under the dignified reign of law and order, and is fully entitled to all the privileges guaranteed by federal and state constitutions.

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