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[Written for the Journal]


From the January 1918 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Where there is no vision, the people perish.—Proverbs.

There is a peak past yonder hills I fain would reach.
An unsung, joyous chord of music I would sing;
The thundering of breakers on a broader beach
I fain would hear, and greet a longer, greener spring.

Yet well I know when lies that peak beneath my feet,
Legions of higher, snowier heights beyond will rise;
When gushes from my heart that chord surpassing sweet,
New strains will lure like sudden stars in twilight skies;

The heavy surge I long to hear will die away.
Lost in a deeper, grander surge; and that long lease
Of bloom will whisper softly of another May
Where flowers are fairer and perpetual is peace.

Thus at the urge of golden longing, on I go,
Hailing in every vision won a vision higher,
Learning that with my growth my visions mightier grow,
Till Love's full heaven I win—the ultimate desire.

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