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Testimonies of Healing

I should like to express my gratitude...

From the January 1918 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I should like to express my gratitude for the understanding of God and of man's relation to Him which I have gained in Christian Science. If anyone had told me two years ago that I would be a Christian Scientist to-day, I should have said it was impossible. I was an ardent member of a church which I believed was teaching what had been handed down in an unbroken line from the time of the apostles and which I felt must therefore be right. On the other hand, what I had continually been told about the teaching of Christian Science made me feel it was a thing to be avoided at all costs.

I am thankful to say that I was not allowed to remain with such a wrong impression of Christian Science, but was led to seek its help through the healing of a friend, who had been an invalid for fourteen years and had suffered terribly, in spite of the fact that everything which medical skill and her own church could do for her had been done. Her healing seemed little short of a miracle to her friends, and I thought if Christian Science could do so much for her the Christian Scientists undoubtedly had the understanding which we as a church had lost, and so I decided to try it.

I sought the aid of Christian Science, as my friend did, purely for relief from physical ills; but the healing of the body has been nothing in comparison with the peace and joy and comfort received from its teachings. It never occurred to me that I would find therein the solution to the numerous questions which have been perplexing me for years, and which I had always been told were mysteries that would one day be explained; but after much earnest study of Science and Health and Mrs. Eddy's other writings I rejoice to say that these points have been made clear to me now, and the Bible is a new book, which I read for pleasure instead of as a duty. For the first time in my life I have been able definitely to make up my mind about things, and I am convinced that no problem can arise which cannot, be solved if we honestly apply the truth as taught in Christian Science.

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