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Testimonies of Healing

It is nearly six years since I decided...

From the October 1918 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is nearly six years since I decided to take up the study of Christian Science, and my husband and I, as well as our children, are very grateful for this glorious teaching. When troubles seem to overwhelm us, whether in the form of sickness or difficulties of other kinds, we turn to God for help and are never disappointed. When the trouble is not overcome quickly through our own understanding, we ask help from a practitioner, and all is well again.

We have had many wonderful healings, some being instantaneous. We had a great test in August, 1916, when I was seized with sudden illness in the form of what is called spinal meningitis. My husband at once telephoned to a practitioner for help. On learning the following morning that I was worse, she called and found me very ill indeed, not able to help myself at all. For three nights and two days she did not leave me. Thanks to her loving help and care I was lifted above the sense of pain, but there was still more to overcome in the form of helplessness, for I could not move without help. There was also impaired vision and partial deafness to be overcome. Three Scientists stayed with me after the practitioner went; they could each stay only three days. After a week or so we were fortunate enough to obtain the services of a nurse. Meanwhile absent treatments, with occasional visits from the practitioner, were continued. At the end of the second week I sat in a chair for one hour, but the next day I could not sit up so long, and at the end of the week I could not move at all. I did not feel discouraged, however, as so much had been overcome—I did not doubt even then—and my healing came quite suddenly. After vainly trying one morning to get up, I asked to be left alone, and an hour afterwards I told the nurse I thought I could get up. I shall not forget how joyfully she assisted me to dress, and with her help I walked into the next room. I remained there for a couple of hours and walked back to bed by myself. Next day I got up in the morning and remained up until evening. Three days later I walked to the telephone bureau to speak to the practitioner.

This to me is a wonderful healing, as there was much opposition from members of my family who happened to visit our house at the time, and I myself was at times unable to read Science and Health. My eyesight and hearing were soon restored.—

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