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From the October 1918 issue of The Christian Science Journal

To the Christian Scientist whose daily study of the Bible in connection with his textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," impresses him ever more forcibly with the fact that the foundation, inspiration, and power of this healing truth is divine Love, it seems at once strange and unjust to hear the remark from one who is not a student of Christian Science, "Oh, yes, it does a great many wonderful things, but it makes people so cold and unsympathetic."

We have nearly all come face to face with this accusation at some time from friend, relative, or business associate. Our first feeling is one of surprise. Knowing as we do the complete falsity of such a charge, we perhaps lay the entire blame upon the speaker's lack of understanding in regard to Christian Science. We decide that the remark is part of the cross of the world's misconception of things spiritual, and is to be met with a patient smile; and because we are so sure that Christian Science is glowing with love, because we realize that there is hardly a page of Science and Health or of any of Mrs. Eddy's writings which does not contain the word love, because we are constantly reminded by her that above all else we must strive to reflect Love, we fail to turn the searchlight upon ourselves and our manner of living this religion of Love.

We do not immediately inquire of ourselves whether we are reflecting Love as well as we know how, or ask if we are in any way to blame for this impression of coldness. Do we really love our neighbors as ourselves in all ways and by all means? Are we ever unconsciously guilty of word or deed which might be deemed cold or unsympathetic by one who does not understand the deep sympathy of Christian Science, expressed in the daily endeavor to see nothing but God and His idea? On page 367 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" we read, "The tender word and Christian encouragement of an invalid, pitiful patience with his fears and the removal of them, are better than hecatombs of gushing theories, stereotyped borrowed speeches, and the doling of arguments, which are but so many parodies on legitimate Christian Science, aflame with divine Love."

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