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Testimonies of Healing

My acquaintance with Christian Science...

From the October 1918 issue of The Christian Science Journal

My acquaintance with Christian Science dates from the year 1901 when, through its ministrations, one near and dear to me was healed almost instantaneously of a nervous condition which had rendered life well-nigh unbearable to her for many months. I did not make the study of this Science my own, however, until some four years later, when a similar condition made it imperative that I turn sincerely and earnestly to it for my own healing and peace of mind. Little by little, through the careful and constant study of Science and Health, my erroneous concept of life was changed, until the errors of thought which bound me were loosed, and "the angel of his presence" delivered me. Since turning whole-heartedly to Christian Science and proving the truth and availability of its teachings, my blessings have been manifold, and I have experienced healings mental, moral, and spiritual, as well as physical. Among the last I might mention the immediate overcoming of the physical manifestations of measles during an epidemic, and the almost immediate and certainly permanent healing of malaria in a most aggravated form after medicine had failed to cure me. For nearly nine years I have not taken any medicine, or been tempted to do so.

Next to the priceless perception of the nature of God and of man in His likeness, as revealed by the teachings of Christian Science, I am grateful for the understanding of man's inherent capacity for development and progress. During the first few years that I tried to practice the teachings of Christian Science, I was engaged in a peculiarly distasteful and cramping occupation, which seemed to present no promise of progress or betterment; but in proportion as my knowledge of man's inalienable rights as God's child increased, I was wonderfully guided and directed into a broader and more congenial field of activity, and was able to satisfy my desire to teach. Whereas many laws of limitation and objection had to be rendered invalid, I was finally able to secure a desirable position in one of the best schools in the country.

I am deeply grateful that through my trust in and knowledge of Christian Science, I have been able to turn some other weary mortals to God. Among other things I am grateful for the teachings in Science and Health, through the practice of which mankind can become of greater service. I am also grateful for the constantly helpful publications of the Publishing Society, which contribute to our monthly, weekly, and daily needs.—

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