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Testimonies of Healing

Gratitude for Christian Science...

From the October 1918 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Gratitude for Christian Science and love of the Christ inspire every word of the following testimony. The daughter of a minister, I was brought up to love God, and with a desire to be of service to my fellow man. As I grew older, this desire sought expression in various forms of church work and in what is known as social service work; but I could not feel that God directed me in this activity or that I accomplished very much. In a restless hunger for truth, my thoughts were directed to Christian Science by the quiet example of some neighbors, whose lives bore witness to an understanding of God and a trust in His goodness that broke down the prejudice I had entertained for this new religion, and brought me at first humbly and then gladly to drink at the fountain of Life. At my first reading of Science and Health I received great physical help in a number of ways, but did not realize the cause of this improvement until several days had elapsed. My four-year-old daughter was healed, through treatment from a practitioner, of what would have been called pneumonia. This healing was practically instantaneous; at noon the child was in a high fever and delirious, breathing with great difficulty, but in the evening she was playing about as usual. My new found hope was put to a test when soon afterward we moved to a distant city where we knew no one and where the manner of living was very different. I did not see how I could continue my study alone, but prayed earnestly to be led by Truth, and for the assurance that I was taken care of. This prayer was answered, for upon our arrival in the new place we were led to make our home for a few days with people who proved to be Christian Scientists. This proof of protection was so helpful that I turned with greater desire to the study of this healing truth, and wonderful days followed. The Bible became to me a treasure house of blessings; I could hardly lay it down to eat or sleep, and I knew that I had indeed found the "pearl of great price," for which I would give all that I had. A few weeks after this, my second child was born. The experience was almost entirely without pain, and my joy and amazement were shared by my husband and the nurse. At the end of three days I was perfectly well and strong, and resumed all my regular household duties. When the baby was seven days old I took a walk of two miles without the slightest suggestion of weakness or fatigue.

During the five years that have passed since then, proofs of our Leader's statement, "When we wait patiently on God and seek Truth righteously, He directs our path" (Science and Health, p. 254), have been abundantly given to me in the form of many physical healings for myself and family, and in an ever increasing peace, happiness, and confidence in the healing power of Truth. A case of measles was overcome in about two days. Colds and influenza have yielded at times instantly to the realization of the ever presence of God, good. A severe throat trouble was overcome by the help of a practitioner in a few hours. My husband was relieved of intense suffering caused by a sprained back, the healing being so complete that there were no after effects of weakness or soreness, such as are often said to follow an injury of this kind. Chronic headaches, from which I had suffered since childhood, slowly yielded to the power of Truth. A tendency to disobedience in one of the children was instantly overcome through the clear understanding that God's child can manifest no quality which is not in divine Mind. Whereas I was usually tired out at the end of the day, I have led an active life for five years and am always fresh and strong at evening. This seems to me very wonderful, and I often rejoice and give thanks for it.

A desire for a wider and more useful education is daily being met by reading the Monitor, and I have no words in which to express my love and gratitude for this newspaper. Through study of Christian Science I have learned better what it means to love God, and man made in His image and likeness. My heart overflows with gratitude for all who have helped me to understand Him better, especially our dear Leader, and for all those faithful ones who are striving to make known this Christ-teaching among all nations.—

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