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From the October 1918 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It was early in 1894 that the Christian Science movement started in Marshall. At the time there was one class student, besides a few others who were daily applying the healing power of Truth and Love in this city. Three very remarkable cases of healing resulted in attracting a few who were desirous of knowing about the teachings of Christian Science. These few began meeting together at their homes to study the Bible and "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. In the fall of 1895 G.A.R. Hall was rented, and meetings were held with twelve who attended regularly, others coming often and showing a lively interest in the testimonies given. On the seventh day of April, 1896, First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Marshall, was incorporated.

In the fall of 1899 the place of worship was changed to a hall on State Street. Later the Universalist Church on North Division Street was rented, and services were held there until the Scientists, having purchased the Congregational Chapel, at 109 East Mansion Street, moved into their own edifice September 23, 1901. All this time the collection the first Sunday of each month was being sent to The Mother Church building fund. In April, 1905, there were thirty-three pupils on the roll of the Sunday school, which during several years subscribed for the Sentinel for the city jail.

The first lecture was given in 1899, and one has been given each year since then. In 1916 an additional lecture was given through assistance from the Trustees under the Will of Mary Baker Eddy. A distribution committee is doing good work. A rest tent is maintained at the County Fair each year, Albion, Battle Creek, and Marshall cooperating in the work. The year 1917 marked an important step in the history of this church; namely, the dedication, which occurred Sunday afternoon, February 11, at three o'clock.

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