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Testimonies of Healing

I have profound reason to be...

From the October 1918 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have profound reason to be grateful for Christian Science, as any reader of my experience will readily admit. Three years ago there appeared on my cheek a small sore or growth, which gradually grew larger and more disfiguring. Many remedies were tried but it only grew larger. Doctors then cauterized it in an attempt to keep it within bounds, but to no avail, and I was informed that the only thing remaining to be tried was an operation. A dear friend then spoke to me again of Christian Science. She had repeatedly advised me to try it, but I had always rejoined that my ailment was real. Now when the only resort of the doctors was to try an operation which would cut away half my cheek, I saw that I surely had nothing to lose and everything to gain by turning to Christian Science. What followed is another illustration of the proverb, "Man's extremity is God's opportunity."

I visited a practitioner, who gave me treatment, at first with seemingly little improvement, but through the continued study of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, and the patient and loving explanations by the practitioner, I gradually gained a slight realization of the divine Principle, Truth and Love. I continued to read until one day I seemed to grow worse. My husband immediately called the practitioner, who told him that this was chemicalization, as explained on pages 421 and 422 of Science and Health, but he became thoroughly alarmed, for even while she was speaking I seemed to grow worse. My head was greatly swollen, with all the symptoms of what is called erysipelas. The beautiful serenity and firm conviction of God's goodness and power that the practitioner possessed, however, quickly overcame the intense fear my husband had, and as she explained and we gradually gained a little understanding of these great regenerative truths, given in the Bible and explained in its "Key," I improved in health so that in about five weeks I was perfectly well, the original trouble having entirely disappeared. During my sickness I lost all of my hair, but a new growth of fine hair, thicker than before, took its place.

Anyone can easily understand how thankful I am to God for this most wonderful demonstration of the healing power of Christian Science. I am especially grateful for the spiritual understanding.—

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