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Testimonies of Healing

I am very grateful to add my testimony...

From the May 1919 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I am very grateful to add my testimony to those given in the Journal and Sentinel. My first healing stands out above all the others I have received. When I came into Christian Science I felt that I was passing from this stage of existence into the unknown, and was very rebellious at having to do so. For many months I had suffered from tubercular disease and could not seem to get help from any source. Finally my physicians said there was no hope for me, that all that could be done was to make me as comfortable as possible until the end came. Then Christian Science came into my life and everything was changed. The nothingness of mortal, material life at once appeared to me, and my desire for earthly things vanished, while a longing for heavenly things or spiritual understanding took possession of my thought. From that time on life has had a new meaning for me. I awoke in the night singing praises to God for His goodness; I wanted to shout for joy and all the world to shout with me. It seemed to me a time as when "the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy." Before this deliverance came I felt as if God was very far removed from mankind and I knew not how to approach Him. For about seven years now I have not used medicine or any other material remedy.

I thank God for the many blessings and all the good which has come to me through the study and application of this great truth, and am also grateful to Mrs. Eddy for bringing this wonderful enlightenment to a weary, waiting world. I am trying daily to put into practice the truths which are taught in the Bible and in the Christian Science literature, and to manifest the Mind which was in Christ Jesus.—

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