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Testimonies of Healing

I have been interested in Christian Science...

From the May 1919 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have been interested in Christian Science over seven years, and wish to express gratitude for the healing in one day of what is known as dengue, although ordinarily people are incapacitated by this disease for several weeks. A small son fell and dislocated his arm at the elbow. We had it set by a surgeon, and a Christian Science practitioner treated him, with the result that five minutes afterwards he was perfectly happy and holding his fork in that hand, although the surgeon recommended that it be kept tightly bandaged and in a sling for four or five days. Our baby girl was healed of bowel trouble and malnutrition.

Our other little son had a badly inflamed eye when he was about four days old, and it continued to become inflamed at the slightest provocation until the condition became chronic. My husband was not a Christian Scientist then and so material means were tried, without permanent help. We moved to another place and there met a Christian Science practitioner, who treated the little fellow for several months, but without apparent result, except that the greatest distress seemed relieved. Then we went home to Chicago on leave, and the little boy's eye seemed better at the time my husband went back to the islands; but just before I was ready to leave Chicago the condition of the eye became serious. Several friends were greatly alarmed and advised me to have a specialist treat him, besides recommending temporary remedies to apply, but I decided to rely on Christian Science and proceeded on my way to San Francisco.

On our arrival there the boy was feeling so miserable that I felt fearful for him. Early the next morning, however, I telegraphed to a practitioner in Los Angeles, and then went on with my preparations for catching the transport which was to sail a day or so later. I did not hear from the practitioner but got on the boat with the assurance that our need would be met. For several days the trouble was apparently the same, but about the fourth morning out the child awoke perfectly healed. This was seemingly wonderful, because the eye appeared to be in a dreadful condition when he went to bed the night before. This healing took place in January, 1916, and the eye has been entirely normal ever since.

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