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Testimonies of Healing

I have always felt the need of a...

From the May 1919 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have always felt the need of a religious life; but I never found a religion that met the spiritual requirements, until I commenced reading "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. I have been studying Christian Science nearly five years and have had many proofs of God's care. Stomach troubles, colds, toothache, neuralgia, and other ills have been overcome. I live on an irrigated ranch, do a great deal of the irrigation, help with the milking, besides doing my cooking and housework, and am at an age when material sense tells us we should quit hard work. I am able to work all day and as fast as when I was a girl. I am alone in the study of Christian Science and cannot attend church very often, but I take the Sentinel, Journal, and Monitor, and they answer many questions for the student who is studying alone. I have been slow sometimes about catching the spiritual meaning, but am steadily trying.

Recently I was driving with horse and buggy when the horse turned suddenly and threw me out into a bunch of sagebrush. The back wheel with my sister in the rig passed over my side just above the hip, then she fell out into the soft sand, and my son caught the horse. There was not a strap broken on the harness, nor was the buggy injured. My sister was not hurt, but my side pained me badly for a few minutes. I, however, held to the truth and by night the pain was gone. The next day I rode on horseback for three hours, which brought back a sense of pain; but by working mentally and holding to the power of Truth, this soon disappeared.

I would like to be among Christian Scientists and able to attend church, and my one desire is to be able to help others. The dearest possessions I have are the Bible and Science and Health.—

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