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Testimonies of Healing

I Want to give this testimony in...

From the May 1919 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I Want to give this testimony in gratitude to God and to Mrs. Eddy for what the study of Christian Science has taught me, and in the hope that it will reach those who may be having the seeming trouble I had. I had reached what I thought was about the end of my mortal journey, had settled all my affairs and decided to accept the seemingly inevitable. I quit traveling, after having been in a commercial line for twenty-four years, and went to a local hospital for a few weeks of rest. My trouble was said to be high blood pressure. I was in a weakened condition, pale, nervous, and generally run down. The doctors told me not to eat any nitrogenous foods at all, not to hurry at all but do everything slowly and deliberately, and to take a physic every day.

After leaving the hospital I went to visit a sister who was a student of Christian Science and whom I had ridiculed about her religion for years, having been an agnostic since early in life, although brought up by Christian parents. Seeing me in such a condition, she said she wished I would read "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. I had no faith in it at all, but to please her I consented. I read for several months before seeing anything in it, but kept on. After reading the book through once it was still mostly like Greek to me. I started in on the second reading and soon began to see a little light. Then I got a Quarterly and really commenced to study. I am now reading Science and Health for the fourth time and have read the Lesson-Sermon every day for over a year. I am a new man and for a year have done everything the doctor told me not to do. I have gained in weight, am not nervous, and men who have known me for years say that they never saw me looking better.

I am trying to show my gratitude to God by living, in obedience to His law, a life of kindness and love to all mankind. I am certain that anyone who will take up the study of Christian Science and follow it closely, thoroughly, and persistently, never doubting, never quitting, will find the "pearl of great price."—

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