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Testimonies of Healing

I feel it is my duty to tell of a...

From the February 1920 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I feel it is my duty to tell of a wonderful demonstration in mental surgery. My husband and I are in the theatrical profession, and during the performance one evening he fell to the floor from a height of sixteen or eighteen feet, landing on his face and hands, unconscious. I was at first full of fear, but on realizing that those around were saying he was gone, I awoke to the fact that I had something to do and began immediately to declare the truth. When he came to, the people all around said it was nothing short of a miracle.

As soon as possible I took my husband to the hotel and immediately sent for a Christian Science practitioner, who came and stayed all night with us. To mortal sense the injuries were very serious. The face was badly disfigured, and both hands were almost lifeless, indicating that the wrists might be broken. There were also internal hemorrhages of the head. The third day, however, my husband was up and able to eat a little and the next day he took a short ride in an automobile. Thirteen days after the accident he was back at work again. There were no bones set by the surgeon. The nose was restored to its normal condition and the wrists and hands likewise-all through the operation of the truth. With the exception of a slight scar on the upper lip, where the teeth had come through, there was nothing to show that the accident had occurred, and now even the scar is disappearing.

This healing has been such a proof to us of the power of Truth and we have been very grateful for it. I myself have had many wonderful demonstrations. My first healing was of asthma and bronchitis, from which I suffered for years. I was healed about seven years ago by just reading Science and Health.—

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