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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science came into my...

From the February 1920 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science came into my life eleven years ago, and though I did not seek it for physical healing at the time, I was struck with its logic and the wonderful new light it throws on the nature of God as Love, the Father-Mother of man made in His image and likeness. It has brought innumerable blessings into my life and every need in our home has been supplied. For the privilege of attending the Sunday school for four years, and later on of having class instruction, I can never be sufficiently grateful.

At the time I first took up the study of Christian Science I was suffering from time to time with a digestive complaint which the doctors had never been able to diagnose, and for which I had tried various remedies without receiving any permanent relief. This disorder, which I had had ever since childhood and which as time went on troubled me more and more, was entirely overcome shortly after I began the study of Christian Science and there has not been the slightest return of it. Mumps, measles, influenza, corns, et cetera, have all yielded to the healing power of Truth, but above all am I grateful for the changed outlook on life and on my fellow man which has been gained through the study of Christian Science. It is teaching me to love God and to love my neighbor as myself, and is making the Bible a practical help to me. This understanding is gradually removing all fear and a sense of personal responsibility. I know that only by demonstrating the truth in my life can I repay in some small measure all the good that has been and is ever mine.—

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