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Testimonies of Healing

My first healing, about fourteen...

From the February 1920 issue of The Christian Science Journal

My first healing, about fourteen years ago, was from the effects of an accident in which my back was injured. This injury, together with other physical troubles, so affected the spine that I was rendered practically helpless and had to stay in bed. One doctor told my wife that I would probably never be a well man again. One day a friend with whom I had been associated in business came to see me. He was a Christian Scientist, and as the result of a few minutes' talk he lent me his copy of "Miscellaneous Writings" by Mrs. Eddy. I had in former years been a student of the Bible and believed in faith healing, but did not understand the spiritual law or truth of being, so to satisfy myself that Christian Science was based on the teachings of Jesus I read the four gospels through and prayed to be guided aright. Then I began to read "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," with the result that in less than four weeks I was healed and able to go out, to the surprise of all.

I was very happy in the new light of Truth which had come to me, and was soon able to help my family to grasp enough of this truth so that we all began to study together. My three children attended the Sunday school in The Mother Church until they got an understanding of the fundamental basis of its teaching, with the result that my two sons while engaged in the war were sustained and protected by applying their understanding of Truth. I am very grateful for all the loving help which I have received from practitioners and others and am convinced that as I express more love by living close to the source of all good, God, I shall make greater progress and be able to help others.—

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