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Testimonies of Healing

When Christian Science was first...

From the February 1920 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When Christian Science was first brought to my notice in March, 1912, I lived with my children in the northwestern part of Russia. My husband had lung trouble and was told by the doctors that he could never again pass the cold months there, so he spent ten years in Nice, France, and its environments, returning to our country only for a few summer months. I had suffered from liver trouble about fifteen years, the attacks becoming more severe every year, especially after gallstones had developed. Every kind of medicine and treatment the doctors could think of was tried, but only temporary relief was experienced.

Then a friend recommended Christian Science and explained that it was the rediscovery of the way Jesus and the apostles healed the sick and reformed the sinners. I was overjoyed when I heard the good news, because always, since I was a little girl, I had clung to the firm belief that all the beautiful promises Christ Jesus gave us must be true for all times, or they could not be true at all. With a joyful heart I went to my first meeting with a practitioner, not doubting for a moment that Christian Science would help me. For two years I had been dieting, but since that first treatment I have eaten what I liked without experiencing any ill effects. After four more treatments I got rid of almost all the so-called serious troubles and the others vanished after a while. In addition to the ailments mentioned I had been suffering from heart trouble, neuralgia, anæmia, nervousness, and attacks of bronchial catarrh that confined me to bed for many weeks at a time.

My husband, on his return from France, was amazed to find me so well, and when I told him what had healed me, he wanted to see the literature. He had been taught that God is a God of wrath more than of love, and that had estranged him completely from any religion; but when he read in our textbook that God is infinite, tender, and unchanging Love, never sending anything but good to His beloved children, then he, too, began to study the Bible and to love Christian Science every day more and more. Through reading ''Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" he was completely healed and now does not pay any attention to the weather or the climate. Since then healings in our family have been numerous.

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