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Testimonies of Healing

In the spring of 1911 I became...

From the February 1920 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the spring of 1911 I became very ill, and my physician was of the opinion that I had kidney disease. As time went on my condition became worse. Nothing was left untried; I had four physicians in succession and one magnetic healer, but they were unable to help me. All had given up hope of my recovery, but I clung steadfastly to the promises of the Bible. I very often pictured the healing of the woman mentioned in the fifth chapter of Mark, and hoped that Jesus would also say to me, "Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole: go in peace, and be whole of thy plague."

My prayer was finally answered, for in the spring of 1914 my attention was directed to Christian Science by a friend, who brought me a copy of Der Herold der Christian Science. At first I was afraid to give it a trial, for I had often been greatly disappointed by works of philanthropists, which promised so much joy. As I glanced over the pages of the Herold, however, suddenly a light began to dawn and I realized that Christian Science was the food for which I had so long hungered; also that it agreed with the teachings of Jesus. This friend did much for me and my condition seemed to improve. I then commenced to study the Lesson-Sermons, although with very little understanding at first. In the late fall the trouble reappeared and would not yield. During the last week of December, 1914, I requested the help of a practitioner, and immediately after the first treatment the trouble vanished and has never returned.

There was still much adjusting to be done and the practitioner helped me with great patience until I gradually attained the right concept of God and His creation. As a result, fear and then one fault after another vanished, having been overcome by the truth. In addition to the many other discordant conditions of which I have been healed, I wish to mention that an intestinal weakness and a weakness of the back were overcome. During the summer of 1915 the latter was so severe that I was unable to sit on a chair. The practitioner, who spent several weeks with us, saw my need, and before very long this difficulty was also overcome, enabling me to sit in any desired position. That an understanding of God and a faithful adherence to divine Principle could produce such wonderful changes in mind and body was an incentive to me to know God better and to learn to do His will. Now there is nothing left for me to do but to give thanks, for I am able to walk, sit, stand, and make myself useful. I have learned that man is not intended to suffer, but that everlasting joy and harmony are his inheritance.

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