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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science came into my...

From the February 1920 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science came into my life about eight years ago, but while having a slight knowledge of the truth, for some time I did not apply it in the adjustment of the seeming disturbances which to mortal sense are so much a part of one's physical and financial conditions. For several years my work was that of a traveling salesman, and it was necessary for me to be on the road nearly all the time. For three years, unknown to anyone but myself, I harbored a fear of an ever pending attack in my left side and kidney to which I seemed to be subject, and four times during those three years I could say with Job, "The thing which I greatly feared is come upon me."

At the time of the last attack I was on a train, and the first scheduled stop was about sixty miles distant. After going forty miles I lost consciousness and did not remember anything until about two hours later, when I found myself in a hospital in Winchester, Kentucky, with the best medical men available in attendance and all the material appliances necessary to assure me comfort. The pain was most severe, the worst I had ever experienced. Realizing my condition I immediately decided to let Truth destroy this error, so asking for a telegraph blank I dictated a message to my parents, who engaged a Christian Science practitioner. Two hours later I was feeling considerably better; all pain had left me, and I knew I was healed. Never before did I experience such quick and permanent relief. All fear of these attacks was destroyed, and this was the last of them. I knew that God was everywhere—always with me regardless of what part of the globe I might travel; and this healing, accomplished through the work of a practitioner over three hundred and fifty miles distant, removed all fear of being alone. God's omnipresence was fully proved. Completely healed, I left the hospital the following morning, much to the amazement of those in charge.

A recent manifestation of error in another form again put our trust in God, divine Mind, to a test. At the time when the fear of influenza was so prevalent I became ill with the disease. For a few days I tried to help myself, but then a practitioner was called, as my condition had grown much worse. Shortly afterwards a state of delirium overtook me and not until my recovery from this did I realize what Science had to encounter and what a great victory Truth had won. In compliance with the law enforced at that time, a physician was called to report the case, but no medical aid was sought. The doctor pronounced it the most severe form of double pneumonia and from the standpoint of materia medica there was little or no hope for my recovery. The patient work of the practitioner, our own faith in God as revealed to us in Christian Science, and our previous healings, however, removed all fear and established a firm conviction of the allness of God. In a short time I was able to be around, and in an unusually brief period for one recovering from an attack of this kind I had regained full weight and strength and was able to perform my daily duties.

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