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From the February 1920 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When one becomes interested in Christian Science it is not long before he learns to turn to God in trouble of any sort, and every experience proves that "God is our refuge and strength." Should fear knock loudly at our hearts, instantly we can deny that God ever created anything of which man could be afraid, because of the comforting words found in our textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 473), "God is everywhere, and nothing apart from Him is present or has power." If sickness claims reality, we may cling steadfastly to the fact that God is our Life. When suggestions of lack come, how reassuring is the Father's promise, "Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine." Though it is sometimes difficult to realize that divine Love is near, we truly learn that God never leaves us for an instant, and that only our unreal thoughts have even seemingly separated us, since we constantly live and move and have our being in Him.

When our hearts are troubled, our heavenly Father's help and comfort are the things we most desire in all the world. Yet often we turn to God just in our trying days, in the hope that some realization of His presence will brighten them. Far too often the turning is only in these difficult times. Certain it is that when trouble or sickness seems to come near, some of us think far more earnestly on the things God would have us think than we do when our affairs are running smoothly, though we know our sincere desire should be to reflect God's thoughts always.

One who was just beginning the study of this truth once went to a practitioner with what seemed to her indeed a tale of woe. Finishing, she said. '"But I am quite sure it is best for there to be something always wrong, for then I study; but the minute conditions are all right again I am ready to lay down my books and prepare to have a good time." "Why, dear, learn to grow in the sunshine," the older woman replied, and many times that loving advice has been pondered by the student. When days were bright with happiness, she would remind herself to affirm God's allness and to study His Word as faithfully as during the days when error claimed to have power and forced her to seek the truth.

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