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Testimonies of Healing

About two and one-half years ago...

From the September 1920 issue of The Christian Science Journal

About two and one-half years ago, and after having been under the care of different medical practitioners for some years and having received no relief from stomach trouble, chronic appendicitis, and headaches, I decided to try Christian Science. A friend of the family who had heard of some one who had been healed through Christian Science suggested that I try it, although she had never attended a Christian Science service nor had she read any of the literature. On this suggestion I made inquiries at a reading room in this city and was directed to a practitioner, who indeed started me on my way rejoicing. Relief was gained at once, and in a very short time my physical ailments disappeared like the lifting of a mist or fog. I was also healed of the tobacco and liquor habits of twenty years' standing, and have had no desire for tobacco or liquor since. This healing took place within one week after I had started to read Science and Health. Through the study of the Bible in connection with our textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," I am gaining daily a clearer understanding of man's relation to God.

I also wish to express my gratitude for all the good that has come to me, and it is my desire that I may express in deeds the gratitude I owe to God and to our revered Leader, Mrs. Eddy, for the understanding I have gained of the truth, through the teaching of Christian Science.—

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