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Testimonies of Healing

For many years I suffered very...

From the September 1920 issue of The Christian Science Journal

For many years I suffered very much from throat trouble and was under several different doctors, who, after trying various remedies, each in turn declared he could do no more for me. I was also going to two specialists in London, one of whom I was under for many months. After submitting to varied treatment I went under an operation, but all to no purpose, for the specialist eventually told me he could do no more for me, as the other physicians had. In 1916 I was again much worse and went to another doctor, who declared my throat to be in a very bad condition. In addition to this I was in a very weak state of health generally and the doctor advised an operation for internal trouble. I went into a nursing home in January, 1917, and after several weeks there returned to my own home and had to go to bed for another three weeks. While lying there I had "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" brought to me and I started reading, and then began to see how useless all these material so-called remedies were. After a day or two I refused to have my throat treated or to take medicine, and had gained help from the book. Directly I could go out I went to the Christian Science church and a few days after saw a practitioner, who promised to help me. This was toward the end of March. My recovery from the throat trouble was very rapid. Early in May I went to see my doctor to pay my bill. He asked me how my throat was. I said quite well now. He seemed very surprised and asked to see it. He examined it and . said it was most marvelous as there was not a trace of either congestion or inflammation and it was extraordinary for it to have cleared so completely.

The operation which I had undergone for internal trouble was also unsuccessful, and it was the great disappointment over this that finally decided me to turn to Christian Science. In October of the same year this condition was absolutely overcome and there has been no recurrence whatsoever. I have also been healed of quinsy, pleurisy, varicose veins, and hemorrhoids, and am stronger and happier than I have ever been before. I am very grateful to say the healings mentioned are permanent.

In February, 1919, our son, a boy of eleven, was taken ill. His temperature was very high, and I became fearful, so telephoned to a practitioner and asked her for help. This was answered with loving encouragement not to fear but to know that God is all-power, and whatever was trying to manifest itself had no power and was not real. The boy passed a very restless night, breathing with great difficulty and many times I was tempted to doubt, for it seemed he must pass on. I decided, however, that I would trust only in God, and the next morning he was better, the temperature being normal. My joy and gratitude were great, as I knew it was claiming to be a serious lung trouble. Just after this, symptoms seemed to point to infectious trouble, so in order to comply with the law I asked a doctor to diagnose the case, stating I was a Christian Scientist. He sounded the child's chest and said he had very bad congestion of the lungs, also there were very decided traces of tubercular disease. The child had been coughing very much for several months, but I did not realize it meant this, though I had suffered from this myself from the age of nineteen, and until I knew of Christian Science had believed in the law of heredity. The doctor said he must not go to school for at least six months, that he must live in the open air and be well nourished: also that an eruption on his face was due to septic poison, and asked if I wished him to prescribe. I said no. I would just trust him to Christian Science treatment and asked the practitioner who had lovingly stood by me to go on helping him. One day later my trust seemed to falter, but in reality I knew God was all-power, and when I retired that night I determined I would not sleep until I had peace and knew my boy was healed.

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