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Testimonies of Healing

When I first heard of Christian Science...

From the September 1920 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When I first heard of Christian Science I had been in poor health for over sixteen years. I scarcely knew a day in that time when I was free from pain. I often wondered if there was any one in the world quite as miserable. A friend told me of the healing of her sister, gave me some literature, and encouraged me at least to give Christian Science a trial. The following week I went to see a practitioner, fully expecting to have an instantaneous healing, as I read so many did. I gained a little and after a few weeks discontinued the treatment as I felt I was not gaining fast enough. I had to go through deep waters before I found that I had been far from willing to give up all for Christ.

For two more years I suffered and found the old medicines did not give me even temporary relief. About that time my youngest daughter had hernia, and was very nearsighted and quite deaf. I hoped the latter trouble would pass away, but instead the deafness increased rapidly. The school teacher wrote me about once a week that the child must have glasses fitted to her eyes. I felt that Christian Science was the only way and the right way and I went to a practitioner in a little more humble spirit than before and asked for help. In a week the deafness and eye trouble had vanished, the child was healed, and I have never since had any desire to seek help except through Christian Science. This was twelve years ago and there has never been any return of either eye trouble or deafness.

The specialist and surgeon said I would never see a well week or one free from pain, without an operation, but I have had many weeks and years of freedom in that respect and an increasing thankfulness that I have even a slight understanding of Christian Science. I am most grateful that I have been able to have class instruction; I feel it is a great privilege and help. I deeply appreciate all the literature we have and all the channels through which Truth works.—

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